A Conversation for Harringay Stadium, North London, UK

Questions from original PR thread

Post 1

Number Six

yeees, i still have a few questions about it: why the name? where could you expect to find one and for how much money? what kind of covers(do they have those fuzzy ones, are they made from real moleskin, are they the slick plastic kind or do they have the cardboard ones?) do they have? do they all look alike, or can you get them with different colours(i know you said black, but is this a requirement? does not being black make it not a moleskin?), different sizes, different designs, various types of decoration? who makes them?(this fits in with the "where can you get them and for how much") are they bound with rings or just like formal composition books(where the pages aresimply glued in), and, do the pages have those perforations that let you tear them out easily for convienience's sake?

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Questions from original PR thread

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