A Conversation for The Big Sister Living Room
Living Room-week2
Andy Posted Jun 13, 2003
I dont belive in the fri 13th thing at all...
Don`t avoyed ladders or any thing like that
*trips down the stairs*
*aarrrrggghhh thump*
im ok
Living Room-week2
Ace Rimmer [pretending] Posted Jun 13, 2003
*sits down and misses the sofa by a good 2 feet and crashes onto the floor*
Living Room-week2
Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ Posted Jun 14, 2003
Tum-te-tum Tum-te-tum Tum-te-tum-te-TUM-TUM-TUM !!! TUM !!!!!
Dashed quiet in here. Not a (living) soul abite, what ?
Tum-te-tum Tum-te-tum Tum-te-tum-te-TUM-TUM ....
Hmmm ..... oodles of provisions left. Seems a shame to leave it all to the next lot ..... better dig in now, old boy
Here's to you, Perry, you dog !
Damn close escape last night y'know .... if I hadn't found the Tractate Middoth in dear Fen's handbag, all would have been lost. Rather rum, how it fetched up in her possession - I suspect that there might be a good story behind it, should the poor mite ever be sober enough to recount it. I fancy Sworter will be relieved too - indeed, there were signs of relief all over the bally thing.
I do hope that nothing has happened to my housemates. I checked the Glock - all shells present and accounted for. Must be having a lie-in .. no get-up and go in young people these days.
1st Trooping the Colour I've missed in fifty years
Living Room-week2
Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ Posted Jun 14, 2003
Deathly still in here .... it's all rather odd .... as Dr Anthea, Princess Loz, Sexy Ems have now all posted outside the Hice, I presume they're now "out" .. bally disappointing ... rather lonely ......
Living Room-week2
^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE Posted Jun 14, 2003
nioooooooooo my digibox hasnt been working and i dunno y but it wudnt let me onto hootoo via my internet! and now im back i find my mate has been on my name and posted a message to my mate on here...
it wasnt me!!!!!!!
am i forgiven??
*runs off to grovel to Big Sis*
LoZ xxx
Living Room-week2
Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ Posted Jun 14, 2003
I say ! Hard Cheese, old girl !
An impersonator, what ? What a fiendish fellow this mate must be ! Had the bally cheek to sign off with your "LoZ", and your little
, of all the nerve !
Would hate to see anyone eliminated at this stage, old thing. Here's a stiff drink
Living Room-week2
^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE Posted Jun 14, 2003
yeah the impersonater was my mate cuz i was online at school and she was sitting mext to me so she know s what i do n stuff then i saw my mate Jessypeeps had come back and i told my mate that i wanted to leave her a message....so my mate went on my name and left her one! she thught she was helping cuz i cudnt get online at home
thanx for the heehee im only 15!
LoZ xxxx
Living Room
^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE Posted Jun 15, 2003
Anrea darlin hi!!!! im great thanx ooo i brought Deftones new album today
nehoo...do u know when we will be out??
and how might you be today??
LoZ xxx
Living Room
AngelicWitch (ACE) Posted Jun 15, 2003
I am great thanks!! I have had a great weekend, have you?
I do not know when we leave the
Big Sister house lolx
Living Room
^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE Posted Jun 15, 2003
yeah iv had a pretty good weekend! you been upto much sweetie?
i think we come out today....
LoZ xxx
Key: Complain about this post
Living Room-week2
- 161: Andy (Jun 13, 2003)
- 162: Ace Rimmer [pretending] (Jun 13, 2003)
- 163: Andy (Jun 13, 2003)
- 164: Andy (Jun 13, 2003)
- 165: Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ (Jun 14, 2003)
- 166: Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ (Jun 14, 2003)
- 167: ^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE (Jun 14, 2003)
- 168: Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~ (Jun 14, 2003)
- 169: ^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE (Jun 14, 2003)
- 170: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jun 15, 2003)
- 171: ^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE (Jun 15, 2003)
- 172: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jun 15, 2003)
- 173: ^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE (Jun 15, 2003)
- 174: ^PrInCeSs LoZ^ WONT BE HERE NO MORE (Jun 15, 2003)
- 175: AngelicWitch (ACE) (Jun 15, 2003)
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