A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

Well done H

Post 1


I'm very glad you wrote this. Boots will be so please smiley - ok

See also your great poem on Soul Mates, which I personally think was one of your best.

Well done Hypatia. The smiley - cake is on me smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Well done H

Post 2


Thanks. smiley - hug Poor boots. I feel so bad for her. smiley - cry

Hypatia smiley - rainbow

Well done H

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

A very nice poem!smiley - rose

Well done H

Post 4


i wept, beautiful words, brought back painful memories of the loss of my soul mate, but happy memories too. Its so true they are always there with you, wherever you go.

i raise my glass to boots for all the happy and magical memories he has brought and the comfort and guidance he will bring to us all now.
smiley - magic

Well done H

Post 5


smiley - hug Bubble. Thank you for your kind words. I sincerely believe that our loved ones remain with us and give us guidance and strength.

Well done H

Post 6


Thankyou for taking care

Well done H

Post 7


boots, how are you doing? smiley - hug

Well done H

Post 8


Roller coaster inc... and I always hated fun fairs. Am going to try and write something this weekend. Don't think I can take much more of the 'we can't leave her alone for a second' game. Your poem was beautiful. If I could write poetry I would love to be able to express thoughts as beautifully as you do. I shall have to settle for dark humour...always a family way of dealing with a crisis and as baby boots so rightly said 'Dad had the darkest humour of us all'.
I am lucky. I have to remember that. He went as he would have wanted to and I have to get up. A good friend pointed that out most adroitly.
'You have to work and you have work. If my partner died all I would have is golf and the beauty parlour'...that would be unbearable. Hey I can tap! A good few minutes.
Thanks for all your support...this site will be the greatest comfort in my new life.
Take care

Well done H

Post 9


It's going to take some time. You'll be up and down. And you're right about work helping.

I understand about needing some time alone. It's in my nature to need privacy when there's a death or serious illness. When my husband was so ill my friends and family nearly suffocated me. It made things much harder to deal with. Some people need others around and don't understand those who are the opposite.

If you ever need to just talk, I'll be here....as will your other friends.

Well done H

Post 10


*nods approvingly*

And if you ever need a wool towel...

smiley - blacksheep

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