A Conversation for Talking Point: Making Friends


Post 1


I guess I'm sort of in the middle..never wht I'd call hugely popular, but never a total billy no mates either.
Thouugh I do see a lot less of my RL friends since I had my son..and some of them just vanished altogether.

I've made an aquaintance that turned to a friend in all sorts of off places, in the que for the pub loos, in the bus smiley - erm , to be honest I can't remember how I met most of my friends!

Although I'm very social and friendly, im also pretty shy n self concious..but get a drink in me n i can strike up a conversation with pretty much anyone if im feeling confident too.

You just need to relax really and be yourself.


Post 2


There is always that difference between being able to get on and socialise with people. I can be outgoing (possibly to excess, I will admit) and can generally chat to most people. However, close friends are more lacking. I have a handful of close friends (a disturbing about of whom I met on here), but my social circle is really quite small. Plus I hate clubbing and suchlike, so that tends to alienate me from a good number of my peers.


Post 3


I have a few I'd call close friends..
and i'd cut off a leg for any of them. Most are just aquaintances.

I think the word friend tends to be overused.

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