A Conversation for Neopets

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Looks very good Cyzaki smiley - biggrin Well done smiley - ok

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 22


Yes, Cyzacki, it's looking very Guide-worthy indeed!

Well Done!

smiley - cheers
smiley - rose

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 23


Thankyou both of you smiley - biggrin

I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but can you have a look at and comment on some of my other entries please? Because nobody else seems to be doing so!

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 24

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'm a Scout - looking at entries is my job smiley - biggrin

Which ones are yours?

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 25


Urm... dunno how to do links in conversations... but mine are:

How to make a Boyband
Why was Alain Prost a good driver but a bad team owner?
Why did the National Front get so far in the French Presidential Elections?

Those titles might not be 100% right, but you should be able to work out which ones I mean! They're all in peer review.

Thankyou! smiley - biggrin

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 26

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi Cyzaki,

Just popping in to say - well done! I'm about to press that 'Accept' button, and then I'll take a peek at your other entries too. smiley - bubbly


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 27

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 28


Yay! This will be my second edited entry!

*Hands smiley - bubbly round to everyone*

smiley - panda

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 29


Thanks for the smiley - bubbly Well Done Cyzacki!

Pimms smiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 30


smiley - bubbly for Cyzaki!

smiley - rose

A1046422 - Neopets

Post 31


On the topic of guilds;

I've just created a DNA guild, at http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?oid=paladinwhite.

It's not really H2G2, but if you want it to be, then join it and let me know! Join today for a chance at the Council! Drop in for a Gargle Blaster and who knows, maybe you'll be the next Galactic President!

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