A Conversation for Computers In Science Fiction: TV
Peer Review: A1045667 - Computers In Science Fiction: TV
Atlantic_Cable Started conversation Jun 13, 2003
Entry: Computers In Science Fiction: TV - A1045667
Author: Atlantic_Cable - U196159
Don't understand how this fell out of peer review.
A1045667 - Computers In Science Fiction: TV
Atlantic_Cable Posted Jun 13, 2003
This is part of my sci fi series: A1045766
A1045667 - Computers In Science Fiction: TV
Geggs Posted Jun 13, 2003
Err.... it didn't exactly 'fall' out of Peer Review, AC, it got picked!
Which means that sooner or later an edited version of this entry will pop up on the Front Page. You should have got an email to that effect, I think.
So, you can take it out of Peer Review, cus it's done it's job.
Well done!
A1045667 - Computers In Science Fiction: TV
Atlantic_Cable Posted Jun 15, 2003
Yes, sorry. Wasn't thinking. Must remember to put brain in gear first. It was a Thursday. I was never good at Thursdays.
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Peer Review: A1045667 - Computers In Science Fiction: TV
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