A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

Loved it!

Post 1


Why is it that nature-lovers always live next door to nature-haters? Wonderful final image of the crow sticking out its tongue at the neighbor...

smiley - ok

Loved it!

Post 2


Thanks.smiley - smiley Not as good as your Tao of Cats last week. I'm terrible about telling people when I enjoy their poetry and articles.

Now my neighbor has decided to poison the squirrels.smiley - cross The older he gets, the meaner he gets. Aren't people supposed to mellow with age?

Loved it!

Post 3


Oh, dear - poor squirrels. I think as you get older, you just become 'more' of whatever you are; mean young people turn into nasty old coots. And apparently you don't get any smarter, because he still hasn't figured out that Mother Nature wins in the end (and frequently spits in your eye when she does smiley - smiley).

Thanks for the kind words about the Cats poem...smiley - blush

Loved it!

Post 4

LL Waz

Nice one, I enjoyed reading that.

Neighbour of my parents used to shoot barn owls. Because of the noise they made...

Loved it!

Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Aha, some sensible people. smiley - ok
Good poetry will do that; bring like folks together like. smiley - diva

Power to the crows!
And squirrels, and other living things.

Death to old men with pesticides. smiley - grr

smiley - peacedove

Loved it!

Post 6


I love barn owls. Sure wish I had one.

In some ways he is a good neighbor, but there are times when I'd like to smack him. smiley - cross I hate the mentality that everything "natural" should be stomped, poisoned, trapped or shot.

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