A Conversation for FEAR.

smidge smudge

Post 1

logicus tracticus philosophicus

couple of typhos(who am i to talk)
para 3 line 2 say it prop[rely]
last para plane bit
uther wise one of the better readssmiley - ok

smidge smudge

Post 2

logicus tracticus philosophicus

also a alaways para 3] and a bacsicly in there some where

smidge smudge

Post 3


Hi Logicus, Its just as well that I read the Fear post first, other wise I would have no idea what you were on aboutsmiley - laugh

Hey! its funny what can get passed the old "spellcheck" aint it?smiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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