A Conversation for The Lair of the No-Thing's

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 61

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

just to be clear i am a spy
but i am spying on them not you.....
i give my word of honer and sware on the day that is thursday....
*drinks smiley - tea*

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 62


*bursts in, panting*


Fact: Smashing glass over the floor is never a safe thing to do.

Hobby: Music!

Shoe size: Seven (UK)

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 63


Excellent! smiley - ok

Welcome VIP, I'm glad to see you here smiley - ok

And lets not forget what day it is today smiley - winkeye. Do I really need to tell you...

Well I'll say it anyway. Its - THURSDAY!!! MWAHAHAHA...*cough* *splutter* *cough*

I think I over did it there smiley - erm

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 64


Never! *smiles* I will, and have, persisted in calling things what they are.

And that includes Thursday!

smiley - tea?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 65


go on thensmiley - ok

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 66

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

yay smiley - tea...

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 67


Milk? Sugar?

*pours the dark elixr into cups*

Any more for any more?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 68


got any bikkits?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 69


got any bikkits?

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 70

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

i got smiley - cupcake

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 71


Fantastic! Even got enough smiley - milk

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 72

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me


smiley - teasmiley - cake Foodstuff of Champions!

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 73

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - smiley

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 74



Now, will it offend you if I just change into my dressing gown? It is the easiest thing to wear, you know. smiley - smiley

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 75

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

well i wont be ofended....

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 76


smiley - bigeyes

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 77



*snuggles into her chair and pulls it closer to the fire*

Quite a cosy place here. Even better for it being a real Friday.

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 78


unless of course you are stuck in an office...*looks around*...like me!

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 79

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

I just had an exam!

It was nothing unexpected

JOIN - plain and simple

Post 80


my friend has a presentation today. i hope she does well, she tends to worry too muchsmiley - erm

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