A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1541


>You think people would be dumb enough to swallow that? Snipe them before they snipe you? <

My opinion of my fellow man is not at it's highest right now. smiley - blue

*there are only two things that are certain taxes and mans stupidity and I am not so sure about taxes*


Bush versus Democracy

Post 1542


"There are only two certainties in life: Death and Taxes." -- Benjamin Franklin

Stoopid.smiley - winkeye

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1543

Jose Minge, Chair and Keeper of The Imperial Deafness, don't you know.

As long as he doesn't try to do a Cuba. The government before Castro was an extreme right wing Government that had been placed there by the US. After high taxes etc the people revolted and they got castro. America and the west in general have to be careful as they tend to pick the most western figurhead as a head of state. If they do that in Iraq they will probaly get a revolution and get a more reactionary leader.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1544

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - starbirth, it doesn't begin to compare! Your reaction to what TD said is disproportionate! TD was rebuking Rod for insulting Empty Sky - that doesn't compare with some unknown person or persons, 'killing scores of Rod's countrymen' (and 3 of mine, don't forget.)

I am sincere in promoting peace, believe me, and I don't think that what TD said, and my defence of him against your over-reaction, negates that!smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign !smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacesign

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1545

T´mershi Duween

I wrote.

>Also being a European-Grit(or git or whatever) I must say,I don´t really care what someone on the other side of the world think of me. All I can notice is,that apparently some of your neighbours think you`re a pain in the a*s , and regard you as AussiePrats and has acted accordingly.<

Let me elaborate.

I was only stating the fact that someone apparently were seriously disgruntled with australians, and other tourists, coming to Bali. Stating a fact however does not mean I support the action taken. Xactly where in my post do you read thatsmiley - doh. Yes I used rude language, but sometimes that is necessary when people like smiley - rocketrod fly off their heads.

And just for the record; we still have 3 18-20 years old danish girls missing in that incident.

Let´s face it. When "we", the western world, (with USA in the lead, like it or not) kills and terrorise, millions of civilans around the world, "we" think it´s a just cause. But when some of the victims of our expansion, economically and ideologically, answers back, "we" get stricken with horror. Really a hypocritical, whimpering and whining reaction. How many deaths have there been in the west since 911, caused by terrorism (selfdefense?)?
About 3500?
Not a lot if you ask me, although I´m fully aware what the sudeden loss of a close relative is like to the induvidual. But that is not relevant when discussing these matters.

So apologise for stating a fact? No, not ever; that´s called cencorship of free speech and thought.

You, on the other hand, are wellcome to call me a cynic.

T´mershi Duween.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1546


*Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former*

signed stoopid

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1547


And if we're quoting (in reference to Iraq)

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.
-- H. L. Mencken

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1548

T´mershi Duween

And that was an answer not only to smiley - starbirth, but generally on that subject.


Bush versus Democracy

Post 1549


Of course, had it been Timorans blowing up Timorians (as has been happening for quite some time) we wouldn't have heard about it/.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1550

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Regarding the sniper, someone just said on the radio *this very second*, about him being a terrorist! How does the NRA feel about it?

>The US authorities STILL have not charged anyone with the Anthrax letters, but have all but dismissed "foreign" involvement. Hence I belive this case should be also treated as a "local" matter. <

It was reported here in October 2001, that the anthrax was a 'local matter' - i.e., Americansmiley - peacedove

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1551

Neugen Amoeba

"It was reported here in October 2001, that the anthrax was a 'local matter' - i.e., American"

Given that it was a strain of Anthrax engineered by the US military, they'd have a hard time explaining how a terrorist organization got hold of it.

As for reports: I've read reports stating that Dan Quayle is on a military advisory board. There are many really intellectually gifted people in the US. Dan Quayle is not one of them.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1552


>I was only stating the fact that someone apparently were seriously disgruntled with australians, and other tourists, coming to Bali. Stating a fact however does not mean I support the action taken. Xactly where in my post do you read that . Yes I used rude language, but sometimes that is necessary when people like rod fly off their heads.

And just for the record; we still have 3 18-20 years old danish girls missing in that incident<

What you said was beyond rude it was dispicable. And to try to garner sympathy by mentioning 3 poor dead girls from your country is even lower. have you no shame man?

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1553

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

>And to try to garner sympathy by mentioning 3 poor dead girls from your country is even lower. have you no shame man? <

smiley - starbirth, what *is* your problem? You are the one using victims' deaths to try to make other people's remarks look bad! I fear that you can't defend your onw over-reaction, and so you're flying right off the handle in a most illogical way! It wasn't TD who began this fight. He has never said he supports terrorism at all!smiley - grr

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1554


>Let´s face it. When "we", the western world, (with USA in the lead, like it or not) kills and terrorise, millions of civilans around the world, "we" think it´s a just cause. But when some of the victims of our expansion, economically and ideologically, answers back, "we" get stricken with horror. Really a hypocritical, whimpering and whining reaction. How many deaths have there been in the west since 911, caused by terrorism (selfdefense?)?
About 3500?
Not a lot if you ask me, although I´m fully aware what the sudeden loss of a close relative is like to the induvidual. But that is not relevant when discussing these matters.

So apologise for stating a fact? No, not ever; that´s called cencorship of free speech and thought.

You, on the other hand, are wellcome to call me a cynic.

T´mershi Duween.<

How dare you call murdering 3500 people by running planes into buildings self defense! Not a lot? You are talking about 3500 inocent souls who's only crime was going to work. that leaves tens of thousands of fathers,mothers children,brothers,sisters and friends lives in ruin. Not relivant? How dare you be so cavalier. You are beneath contempt. Do you stop to think before you write.
If this is really how you feel then I pity you for you must be a very hurting soul.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1555


For all it's worth, Frogbit, I have heard the idea raised that the DC-area sniper could be a "terrorist" or affiliated with al-Qaeda or something. But the general concensus is that a terrorist could kill a lot more people quickly with one bomb than with a sniping campaign. Maybe the sniping has stirred up more terror, but really, at face-value, this seems like something a serial killer would do. Odd coincidence that the latest victim was an "FBI analyst," but there are a lot of FBI agents around DC.

I agree that Bush's logic is inconsistent (if there is such a thing as "Bush's logic"), and that he's on his way to break more and more international laws if his unwarranted war against Iraq comes to fruition. But I disagree that "nobody has for a moment suggested that the Virginia snipings are terrorist activity." The point has been briefly raised and quickly dismissed by the major news media. (Yeah, the major news media, that's a whole other topic unto itself.)

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1556


And if we're quoting (in reference to Iraq)

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.
-- H. L. Mencken

But that leaves you open for this smiley - winkeye

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Author : Edmund Burke

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1557

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Starbirth, you are dense as shown by your rush to indignation over american deaths (just after telling T'mershi off for mentioning Danish deaths). American lives are no more important than anyone elses.

3500 is more than the death toll of 9/11. 3500! is the number of civilians murdered by america's sloppy war on Afghanistan.

The last I heard dental records are being sent to Bali from my country. I saw an interview with someone who comforted a man while dying after having both legs blown off. The first NZer comfimed dead. What the hell is the point? What influence does NZ or Australia have on international events. Sod-all as far as I'm aware.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1558

T´mershi Duween

smiley - starbirth gets even more confused and smiley - grr


I didn´t. I put a question mark = ? after the word "selfdefense", to make it an open question. And as for the 3 danish girls I specifically said "just for the record". Unlike you smiley - starbirth, I don´t take other peoples sorrow on my shoulders, to promote a personal agenda. You´re being way too dramatic for an american citizen supporting a "likely-to-happen" war on Iraq, with thousands of innocent civilian deaths. So please calm down and get a grip.

T´mershi Duween.

Bush versus Democracy

Post 1559

T´mershi Duween

....And please look up "Münchhausen by proxy"


Bush versus Democracy

Post 1560


I would just like to ask why the death of Us citizens/Austaralian citizens etc. is regarded as a despicable terrorist action (quite rightly) while the US bombing of Kabul City Centre, which may be echoed in iraq, is not.

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