A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem

Cool !

Post 1

Purdy Young Thing, likes laughing, free speech and the petition at A1000080

Can I try ?

Crappy verses do not scan
Worms look up and think O Man
Theres a poet who cant write
Red breast Robin says O Sh--e.

Cool !

Post 2


smiley - laugh

Excellent! Send it to Shazz. I bet she'll like it, too. smiley - biggrin

Cool !

Post 3


smiley - laugh

Excellent! Send it to Shazz. I bet she'll like it, too. smiley - biggrin

I have an elderly neighbor who walks early each morning - about the time I go out to pick up the paper. Every time it's windy, he shouts, "Put a rock in your pocket!" The whole poem was written to give me the chance to use that phrase. smiley - biggrin So, I wrote it out for him and took it over with a loaf of banana bread. He read it and said, "Well, at least you tried. And the banana bread will be good." smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Cool !

Post 4


smiley - laugh

I know a neighbor like that. Except he yells at me to rake the yard.

smiley - blacksheep

Cool !

Post 5


Ok, Jodan, you're my friend and will be honest with me. Won't you? smiley - grovel Was the poem really bad enough to elicit such a caustic remark? I'm trying to be good natured about it, and poetry is subjective in the first place, so I don't want to go all paranoid about it. I've read some published poems that I didn't like, but I wouldn't have written to the poets and called them crappy and talentless.

Cool !

Post 6

Purdy Young Thing, likes laughing, free speech and the petition at A1000080

I dont want you to think your poem made me smiley - ill or anything. I love you hippie nerdos !

Cool !

Post 7


I shouldn't worry about it, Hypatia.

PYT's not exactly dancing with both feet, if you catch my drift. Still, that's "care in the community" for you...


Cool !

Post 8


I'm not Jodan, but he's a friend of mine too, so I'll offer an answer. No, the poem was certainly not bad enough to deserve such a caustic response. Most of PYT's posts certainly are deserving of a more caustic response, however.

P.S. PYT: I'm hoping that you're a white male just like me since you've offered such a wonderful divine sanction for homosexual breeding over on that other thread.smiley - kiss

Cool !

Post 9


smiley - laugh But I think you should be more selective.

And thanks for the remark about the poem. It isn't the best I've ever written, but it isn't dreadful....and it soes actually scan! smiley - cross

Cool !

Post 10


Of course it scans! and, on another subject, I think it is wonderful that you're using the nickname you are. Perhaps an edited entry on your namesake would be an appropriate addition to the guide? Or is there one?

Cool !

Post 11


I'll check into it! Not that I'll get to it in a hurry. smiley - erm I'm behind on several projects already - one for Jodan who is going to speak to me very sternly if I'm not careful. Hypatia was a really remarkable woman.

Hypsmiley - rainbowHM

Cool !

Post 12


oh. there already is. A481006

Cool !

Post 13


And an excellent article it is. smiley - biggrin Good, now everyone who is interested can go read about my namesake. I named my web server at the library Hypatia, and when I needed a nickmane here, it was the first thing that popped into my head. Maybe she'll become famous again. smiley - ok

Cool !

Post 14


I've been waiting for her fame for years. smiley - sadface

Cool !

Post 15


She certainly deserves to be famous. And vindicated! Down with raging mobs with sharp pointy objects.

Cool !

Post 16


I think you're in luck anhaga smiley - winkeye - as far as I know the only people who spell sh*t with an e on the end are from Far Northern Britain, and there aren't too many non-whites oop 'ere.

Cool !

Post 17


actually, I sometimes spell it that way, too. And I'm actually an Asian-American Disabled Jewish Black Lesbian Aboriginal Single Mother on Social Assistance.smiley - winkeye

Hypatia: I'm going to stop posting to this thread unless it's specifically about your poetry. Sorry I took part in this hijacking. (but I'm not sorry to have met you.smiley - smiley)

Cool !

Post 18


anhaga, are you new? All posts on hootoo tend to get hijacked. It's a tradition or summat smiley - winkeye

I, too, am pleased to have met you Hypatia - and grateful to whoever posted the link to the 'Hypatia' entry.

Nice to meet you too anhaga and Jodan. And smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - smooch Hoo - long time no see!

Cool !

Post 19


No, I'm not particularly new, (front page three days [or was it four?] in a row, two of them editors choice<shamelessselfpromotionsmiley&gtsmiley - winkeye, but I don't like to hijack threads too much. And you're welcome for the link to the Hypatia entry.smiley - smiley

Oops! I'm still hijacking!smiley - doh

Cool !

Post 20


Thank you. smiley - kiss

smiley - sorry Hypatia. I've moved to anhaga's space and will leave you in peace forthwith. smiley - kiss

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