A Conversation for A Brief History of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

Gonville and Caius College

Post 1


Looks good neilfishsmiley - ok,I thought that the entry was very informative, and not totally boring. You got a lot of information in and kept it short and pertinent. I have a tendency to be too wordy, and it's a difficult thing to stay on track.
As a complete stranger to Cambridge etc, I did find myself a bit at a loss when it came to street names, locations etc. You might want to include a geographical location for those who have not heard of Cambrige...in the eastern U.K., 90? km north of London, etc.
I only noticed one typo, in the Second Founder section, when you discuss the carvings on the gates, it says "decoratinmg".
Aside from these minor issues it looks ready for Peer Review.
smiley - cheers, xero

Gonville and Caius College

Post 2


A765335 is where the more, um, casual-reader-friendly version will be.

Gonville and Caius College

Post 3

neilfish, purveyor of the finest confusion since 1442

... the more helpful for those wishing to know what life at Caius is like.

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