A Conversation for Pleasure, Pain and Permanence - H2G2's Body Modification Society.

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 1


I have 1-inch lobes, 4gauge inner conches, 12gauge septom, 12gauge lowbrets (thats on the lower lip off to the sides), and 8gauge nipples.

Left Arm: I have a pin-up space girl riding a rocket ship on the back of my arm, the sun and universe on the out-side of my upper arm, I have Milliways on my elbow and back of my uppper forarm with a '57 Chevy Space ship leaving it, a flaming Nautical star in the inner fold, And a Baby alien wearing a rocket pack and using a Really big gun,on the top of my forarm to blow up another alien down on my wrist. All the tattoos are connected to create a sleeve.

Right arm: I have a bullit with "your name" on it (literally), and a rose with tribal flames.

Back: I have a Voodoo Rag doll on my upper back, and a Dragon Busting out of my lower back.

Future Mods:
I will be getting a old school dagger that says "Nothing but Trouble" on my right forarm real soon. I am going to stretch my conches up to 2gauge, start another stretching project next to what I already have in my lobes, and pierce my nipples again.

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 2


smiley - yikes That sounds magniiiiiiiiificient!!!! Any pictures?

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 3


I have a couple poor quality pictures, and not of everything. If you would like I will send them to you.

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 4


Have you got any online?

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 5


No, I am afraid not. As I said they are poor quality, so I dont want to put them on any sites. Sorry...

Cetch22's Tattoo's and Piercings

Post 6


Today I got a 9-1/2 inch old school dagger with a banner that reads "Nothin But Trouble" on the top of my right forarm

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