A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 721

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

Goodmorning jinty no hope for a bacon sarnie and a smiley - cappuccino i suppose smiley - smiley

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 722


anything for a friend smiley - burgersmiley - coffeeif anyone else wants anything please help your selves i'm away for the smiley - bussmiley - run
i'm needing more stock and no ones turned up yet
if you want anything done do it yourself its a true saying they are taking advantage of an olde w

oman smiley - cheersjinty smiley - chef

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 723

Loup Dargent

smiley - ok

morning everyone...smiley - runsmiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - coffee

there have been problems with TVemails yesterday smiley - cry so i wouldn't take the number of people posting on here as an indicator of anything...smiley - smiley i suppose you could try another date... no problem... yesterday could be the unofficial "opening for trade" day and the other one could be then the official one... or something around that...smiley - biggrin there is always a smiley - eureka somewhere...smiley - cool

talk soon...smiley - coffee

smiley - coffee

back later...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 724

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jinty, Bob and Loup smiley - biggrin

I am trying to make my mind up should I have a plain bacon butty or should I have one with an fried egg. I think I will have both. I will have a good strong mug of tea smiley - tea. I am making mess of my clothes.smiley - laugh


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 725

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Seeing as no one has touched it...I'll have the double smiley - choc cake smiley - grovel...smiley - smiley

smiley - chick

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 726

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

afternoon evry1....smiley - biggrin

any1 4a smiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - cappuccinosmiley - ojsmiley - milk

plz ask,il b happy 2get it 4u...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - rose


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 727

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

OH well have to cook me own dinner now smiley - wah

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 728

Reality Manipulator

Bob I will cook your meal for you. Just put your feet up and I will serve you just anything you want.smiley - biggrin


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 729

Reality Manipulator

EM Please can I have two smiley - cappuccino and a Devonshire Cream Scone with clotted Cream and smiley - strawberry Conserve.smiley - biggrin

Thank you


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 730


smiley - runsmiley - sorryeveryone but the smiley - buswas smiley - running late
just say what you want and i'll get to it right away
i have a friend down manchester way his email was off for 11days thats all we would need i take it helens must still be off
smiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - milkmilk>i'll not give you n e thing to eat as it will put you off your tea smiley - chefjinty

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 731

Reality Manipulator

Jinty I am very sorry that your friends email was off for 11 days. It's smiley - ok I will just have a smiley - tea thank you for your kind service.smiley - biggrin


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 732


its a pleasure to serve you
i dont know whats happened to everyone
you just cant get reliable staff these days lol smiley - teasmiley - roseon the house smiley - chefjinty

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 733

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - taJinty I have a theory, that everyone has gone to different universes:
Some have gone through the Stargate
Others joined the Voyager, Enterprise and Deep Space Nine crews
Some have joined the Rebel Alliance, Rogue Squadron and the Jedi Order
Others have decided to become Sliders
Some have become companions of Doctor Who
Others have joined the Red Dwarf Team
Some have gone and joined Mulder and Scully
Others have decided to join the X-men and women
Some have joined Bablyon 5 rangers and some psci cops
Others have decided to become psci investigators in the psci files and the Chronicles.


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 734

Reality Manipulator

Jinty I have forgot others have decided to go and live on the Dune planet.smiley - smiley


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 735

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - tea

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 736


and some could be still skiving
hi em smiley - cakedont have smiley - teaon its own smiley - chefjinty

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 737

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - ta jinty.....

wer is every1smiley - doh

smiley - rose

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 738


i wish i knew
i come in here always looking but they have dissappeared of the face of the earth
do you think they could be trying to tell me something lol
smiley - chefjinty

ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 739

Reality Manipulator

Hi EM I hope you are keeping well.smiley - biggrin

One thing I like eating at night is either cheese and pickles or marmite on bread/crackers and wash it down with tropical fruit juice smiley - oj


ye oLDe tea shoppe

Post 740

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

nah dont think its u jintysmiley - laugh

hiyaaa kat..smiley - smiley...im ok smiley - ta,,got bit heyfever..so feel bit crapysmiley - sadface

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