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how did we survive

Post 21


morning jane,
ust telewest decided that the digibox wudn't work last night!!smiley - steam
but it seems fine this morning(ooops! hope i haven't spoken too soon!!)smiley - laugh

yeah, we cud do/have done a lot worse since that philosophy waned! smiley - sadface

oh yeah i certainly remember cheesecloth! i smiley - loved the stuff!! smiley - biggrin
n the impossobly high platform shoes n boots!....but i made sure i mastered walking upright in them,after that high heels were a doddle!! smiley - weird

i had REALLY long hair till i was about 16 then i decided to get a 'shaggy' cut (more or less bowie-like) i remember my parents being horrified wen i came home from the hairdressers! but that just added to my street cred!! smiley - magic

i didn't dye or colour my hair
but because it's naturally straight experimented with all the smiley - weird hairstyles going!!
(i must admit the short hair didn't last very long!!)smiley - biggrin

after the monkees i was into Free, Queen, Black Sabbeth,Deep purple etc! n had a really mad crush on Cat stevens!! mmmmmmmmsmiley - lovesmiley - laugh

catch u l8r

Trish smiley - hug

how did we survive

Post 22

Jane Austin

Hi there Trish smiley - biggrin

Yes I just smiley - loved Queen too, Freddie Mercury was just brilliant!!

I,ve never been very much into Deep Purple etc., Not after Donny Osmond smiley - winkeye

Do you remember the camay ad,s on the telly??? and did you ever watch crossroads?? smiley - silly (I just loved Benny and Diane).

I am very smiley - sleepy and just having my last fag and smiley - ale before I smiley - zzz

Goodnight smiley - hug


p.s. I hope you enjoyed your birthday.

how did we survive

Post 23


lol OMG!! yeah i remember crossroads,miss diane n benny n'all but wot a laugh!!
moving scenery,props etc!! smiley - laugh
i smiley - love victoria woods 'acorn antoques'!!! crossroads to a T!! smiley - magic

n yeah i remember the camay ads!!
n loadsa other ones too!!smiley - smiley
how about the nimble ad??
or the rolf harris stylophone??
smiley - whistlesmiley - laugh

Trish smiley - hug

how did we survive

Post 24

Jane Austin

ah, nimble smiley - laugh my mum used to buy it smiley - biggrin it was a bit like eating cotton wool smiley - silly!!!

Did you ever wear "loon pants"??? I had a lovely pair of green velvet ones that I was impossibly proud of!! smiley - laugh and "tank tops" I thought I was really smiley - cool when I bought a "treviera" mini dress and jacket!!!

I spent loads of time colouring my hair!!! smiley - silly in varying shades, really smiley - cool and I even had a "shaggy" perm once smiley - wah I remember my best friend Lynn, taking one look at me and smiley - laugh ing her head off, till tears were flowing from her eyes, it was gross!!!! smiley - yikes

Now I stick to a very nice blonde shade, smiley - cool and I always tell the hairdresser, I don,t care what you do, just take 15 years off!! (he usually just tells me he is not a miracle worker)!!! smiley - laughsmiley - steam

smiley - hug

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