How did we survive?

4 Conversations

How on earth did we,(children from the 50's & 60's)survive?

As babies, we put into cots,which were painted with brightly coloured lead based paint.

We learnt to walk without the aid of a 'babywalker'and,there were no such things as 'childproof' caps on medicine bottles or doors or cupboards and no safety gates for stairs or windows.

We rode in cars without seat belts or airbags.

There weren't any helmits available in the shops, so we would ride bikes with no head protection and rollerskates without elbow and knee pads.

We drank water from the garden tap, not bought in a bottle,and we ate fruit straight from the trees without them having to be washed first.

When not at school we played out all day,(from the morning until the streetlights came on), often with just a ball and a tin or a skipping rope. Parents only thought they had an idea where you were,there were no mobile phones or pagers.

We often came home bruised or bleeding sue to an accident,but no one was to blame,even if there were broken bones involved,no one even thought of taking anykind of legal action to sue someone.

We ate sweets and crisps,dumplings, chips and suet puddings,but very few children were iverweight because we were always outside playing.
There was no daytime television ,with multi -choice channels,to sit infront of:no home computers or games consoles,no videos to watch or DVD's or minidiscs to listen to.

If you got into trouble at school/with the police/or neighbours, the parents would often side with them and WE had to face the consequences of our actions.

This generation learnt to be risk-takers,problem solvers and inventors,producing some of the best innovations and new ideas.We had freedom, failure.success,responsibility amd above all ,respect because we learnt how to handle what life threw at us.
Our parents weren't being unfeeling or lacking in any respect, they gave us the freedom to learn lessons ourselves and therefore we were able to learn from out own mistakes.
That's how we survived!

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