A Conversation for The 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 1


Any questions about anything to do with the story so far, or any general comments about the story in general ask them here smiley - smiley

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 2

Ripper, the Almost - recharging writer

well, I'm glad you cleared that up. I was starting to wonder what this "Start conversations about this entry" box was for... no-one ever uses it for my story...

so, ok, good story, liking very much so far, why do you have more readers than me?

R, tA (who isn't envious at all really. no, seriously. look, you were the one who asked for questions, right?)

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 3


Just cos no-one posts, doesn't mena they don't read (or so OI fervently hope).

By the way, I read every episode. It probably doesn't count, though... smiley - smiley

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 4


How can you tell if some one gets more readers?smiley - erm As U97008 said, just because someone doesn't post doesn't mean they don't read.

The reason I started this thread was based on some advice I got, a while ago when I was writing something for AWW, from jwf. I thought that maybe people would post something if I gave them a place to do it. Its seems to me, from my experience, that people find it much easier to reply to a post than to start a new one at the bottom of a page. And what do you know, it works. I've got two already smiley - winkeye

Anyway I'm very pleased you like the story so far. And if anyone has any questions, comments or what ever, go right ahead and leave a message.smiley - ok

Verc smiley - fullmoon

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 5


By the way U97008, I know who you are smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Anyway, thanks for your splediferous work once again smiley - ok

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 6


It isn't supposed to be a disguise. smiley - smiley

Well, there's not much to it, just a case of fixing the punctuation and grammar etc and polishing it in places so what you actually meant to say becomes a bit clearer... smiley - winkeye

But as we're on the subject, next week's episode hasn't dropped into my in-tray yet, hint hint... smiley - biggrin

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 7


Shazz should have part 7 nowsmiley - smiley

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 8

Ripper, the Almost - recharging writer

ah yes, this would be something like those hints I keep getting that I haven't written the next Next to the Custard yet smiley - groan (funny, this hint's subtler than normal...)

U97008: smiley - ta for reading!
Vercingetorix: smiley - cheers for the hint, I'll post something on the next ep, see what happens...

FEEDBACK : The Story so far...

Post 9


smiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - flan

Nice story, Vercengetorix. Ripper knows what I think about his already. Go and write something before the next deadline expires again!

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