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{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 221

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I'm ok now.
Last week was not good, bring on the next one!

{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 222


Hello people! I'm doing fine these days ... but I have been neglecting this page for a while. I'm going to try and post a few thingies here today. How's everybody else?

{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 223

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hi, everybody. I'm trying to post a few "thingies" tonight, too.

I'm doing okay, how's everyone else? smiley - hug

{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 224


I can finally login!!!!! smiley - biggrin

Of course all the journal entries I have been working on are on the other computer...sigh

Hopefully I will be able to log in from there.

It's a bank holiday, so I have the day free. smiley - smiley

If I was smart, I would use it as a day of rest...but no one ever said I was smart.

Our Halloween party was smaller than usual and lastest longer than usual. It was on a Saturday. The first guest arrived on the Wednesday before and the last guest left on the Thursday after.

Welcome to the never-ending house party.

smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - alesmiley - cider

{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 225


That party is the only thing that is keeping me somewhat rational.

I'm sorry if I seem to be ignoring you. I am. I can't help it. Things are pretty grim inside my head. I will brighten up as things come under control here. Please don't think I'm doing this by choice.


{waving hello} at other survivors

Post 226

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hey Richenda! Glad to see you are finally able to log in again. I've missed you around here.

I wish I could've made the Hallowe'en party. Better luck next year. I know now not to make any plans between October 1st and the end of June. smiley - erm

Barton, I'm thinking of you, hoping and praying that things will get better, if even jut a little, soon. I love you dearly even when you're feeling grim, and more so. Talk with you soon? smiley - lovesmiley - hug

Hello and smiley - hugs to everyone else, too. I'm also sorry if I seem to have been ignoring you guys, I'll try harder not to!

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