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Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Started conversation May 10, 2003
I have been snapping at loved ones, flying off the handle with everyone (both online and off) all week, and saying hurtful things that I am so sorry for. Only yesterday did I 'realize' it was May. I had putting dates on all my correspondence at work, but I couldn't see it was May.
A year ago today, my friend Bonnie died. I miss her so much. I just posted a letter to her in my journal.
It's ironic, too, that my intro article was created exactly two years after my mom died.
I guess my internal clock knows the date as well as the time.
It reminds me of things that I thought I had buried but need to remember and cherish.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Kaz Posted May 10, 2003
Richenda, so sorry to hear of the anniversary. We can be such strange creatures, a part of us always knows what date it is, it seems. Trivial though it is I am the same every month with the full moon, I think why have I been such a wally today then I look at the calendar and it al makes sense.
Be kind to yourself, your body knew of the anniversaries, it knows you need some gentle time, so I hope you have the time to give it just that!
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted May 11, 2003
Hi Richenda... I can't even begin to articulate the things I feel for you today...
Just know that I love you and I understand the anniversaries...
Let's have dinner soon, yourself, B. & me, if we can't wait for to get his happy ass over here...!
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Willem Posted May 11, 2003
Hiya guyz. My dad has been observing me for a long time and he says that my really down periods happen to coincide with the full moon.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Willem Posted May 11, 2003
Sorry guys! The Guyz must have been heavily on my mind.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 11, 2003
I'm sorry that you have seen two deaths of people who were really close to you. Luckily I haven't dealt with the death of anyone close to me yet but I realise one day I may well do and I don't think I will be able to cope.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 11, 2003
To all:
Thanks. Today is much better. Only one thing to 'bug' me. It is now 2 weeks and I still have not heard from my son, I have no idea the outcome of my complaint, and it is Mother's Day.
Hi Willem,
I may be the only one in this thread who knows who the Guyz are. . Even if they are a 'red flag' for me, it still gave me a smile.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE Posted May 11, 2003
I had no idea that it was Mothers day today and I was speaking to my mum earlier on the phone oops. Not that I usually do anything for mothers day however as I see it as a capitalist stunt.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Kaz Posted May 11, 2003
Hi Richenda, I was thinking about you earlier and what had happened, now I know. How frustrating to not have heard a thing, and I guess you cannot follow it up with the authorities if they don't give grandparents any rights in these situations.
Oh I do really hope you hear something soon, good luck with the wait.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Willem Posted May 11, 2003
Yes, I too am rather anxious to hear what happens next. Well for what it's worth Happy Mother's Day Candy! Happy Mother's Day, Kaz, Psychocandy, and Opticalillusion as well! I'm not gonna buy anything, but good wishes and vibes are free!
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 11, 2003
Thanks Willim
OI - I usually think of Mother'Day as a "Hallmark Holiday", but it IS kind of hard to ignore when you can't get past the card aisle in the stores, fresh bunches of flowers are everywhere and it is impossible to get reservations at any decent restaurant.
PCandy - I *don't* want to wait for to get here for the rest of all go out to dinner. There will be plenty of other times that he can join us.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Researcher U197087 Posted May 12, 2003
Hi guys
I'm sorry you've been through the mill recently Candy. Please don't feel you need to account for feeling so hurt, anniversaries can really leap out and grab you; this is a new one, after all, and it'll take some adjustment. I remember when B first talked about her, she must have meant a lot to you both. I'm sure you've got a lot of happy memories of her, you'll always have.
And thanks for the email - I'll get back to you soon, it's got me thinking I've definitely got some serious cultural questions to ask.
I hear Hallmark have just introduced National Card Store Salesperson Day. You go in there, buy a card, sign it and give it back.
Take care. Go out and have fun together! Don't wait and please, take some time off for yourself before the wedding, pc. I'd love to talk to you then, if you feel okay about it.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 12, 2003
National Card Store Salesperson Day - LOL
I never realized how much Bonnie meant to B. He shared what he had written out on the boards/email list (?) you guys are a part of. (and I thought I was a packrat...he has all of those threads saved and it only took him two days to find the posting - amazing. They fill a cd!)
Spent a *few* minutes, on instant messager with PC last night. If we can jiggle our schedules, we're trying to get together sometime over this coming weekend.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Researcher U197087 Posted May 12, 2003
Hi there
Groovy - hope you guys have fun.
I'm not part of that group any more, but I'd like to look back at some of the things I said back then, by dint of self-examination. I'm not part of it any more, but it was for the most part a very fulfilling experience. I recall really going into one once about British culture, I'd like to read that again.
I'm glad B's such a hoarder. That said, someone really *has* to sort that 'study' out.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 12, 2003
Well, in all probablity it's there. Told him I thought I need to know a more about LekZ (since she is proving to be SUCH a trigger). He copied everything onto CD. You can review it to your hearts content. I should be done with a significant amount of it by the time you get here...if not, we can share.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Kaz Posted May 12, 2003
It must be cool, living so close that you can visit!
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 12, 2003
Sure is. If you and Moonglum ever make it to the States, come and visit. We love having guests.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted May 12, 2003
I must say, I am very lucky that Richenda and B. live so close by. I'm fortunate to have gotten to know such terrific people and have them care about me. I'm looking forward to lots more instant messages and two-hour phone calls, as well as going to dinner and seeing what other kinds of foodstuffs B. can get me to shoot out of my nose. Looking forward to some *really* long and sleepless weekends in the not-too-distant future!
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
Richenda Posted May 12, 2003
"I must say, I am very lucky that Richenda and B. live so close by. I'm fortunate to have gotten to know such terrific people and have them care about me."
"I'm looking forward to lots more instant messages and two-hour phone calls,"
*2* hour phone calls?!?!
That's only because called in the middle...what happened to the hour or so before that interruption. It's chopped liver or what?
"as well as going to dinner and seeing what other kinds of foodstuffs B. can get me to shoot out of my nose."
I'm a really good cook, but usually it only tastes good the first time.
"Looking forward to some *really* long and sleepless weekends in the not-too-distant future!"
The sooner the better.
Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted May 12, 2003
"*2* hour phone calls?!?!
That's only because called in the middle...what happened to the hour or so before that interruption. It's chopped liver or what?"
Oh yeah, the first hour or so was fun too... although I must admit getting the call from was a pleasure, I can deal with that kind of interruption any time.
Had there not been impatient people ringing my front bell repeatedly, I'd have been able to carry that conversation on all night. Can't wait to resume it! Once I come out of my shell, I'm a marathon conversationalist. We'll be needing lots of No-Doz soon!
"I'm a really good cook, but usually it only tastes good the first time."
You certainly are... I'd love to pitch in sometime, rumor has it I'm pretty good myself. It could be fun... if a bit messy. And eggs certainly do taste funny the second time round. Although, thanks to the 7Up, I've not had any sinus troubles since.
Thanks again!
Key: Complain about this post
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Sorry, guys, I've been a bear and I didn't even realize why.
- 1: Richenda (May 10, 2003)
- 2: Kaz (May 10, 2003)
- 3: psychocandy-moderation team leader (May 11, 2003)
- 4: Willem (May 11, 2003)
- 5: Willem (May 11, 2003)
- 6: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 11, 2003)
- 7: Richenda (May 11, 2003)
- 8: Big Sis Opt Minister of love, life and laughter and ACE (May 11, 2003)
- 9: Kaz (May 11, 2003)
- 10: Willem (May 11, 2003)
- 11: Richenda (May 11, 2003)
- 12: Researcher U197087 (May 12, 2003)
- 13: Richenda (May 12, 2003)
- 14: Researcher U197087 (May 12, 2003)
- 15: Richenda (May 12, 2003)
- 16: Kaz (May 12, 2003)
- 17: Richenda (May 12, 2003)
- 18: psychocandy-moderation team leader (May 12, 2003)
- 19: Richenda (May 12, 2003)
- 20: psychocandy-moderation team leader (May 12, 2003)
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