A Conversation for Space Pens
Urban Legend
NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625) Started conversation Apr 25, 2003
Nice entry. Since you didn't mention the Urban Legend, I will do so here.
The Fisher Space Pen is the subject of one of the myriad urban legends out there ridiculing government spending. As the story goes, NASA spent 1.5 million dollars developing a pen that could write in space. The Russians used ordinary pencils.
In the real world, both nations used ordinary pencils in space. NASA bought a bunch of space pen, at the ordinary price, since pencil shavings are not good to have floating around in a space craft. The 1.5 million dollars was spent by Fisher developing the pen.
But you all read http://www.snopes.com and knew that, right?
Urban Legend
dasilva Posted Apr 25, 2003
Like many of the inventions NASA didn't have a hand in, you mean?
(Teflon, Velcro, Sony Walkman [TBC]...)
Urban Legend
Fashion Cat Posted May 7, 2003
Actually I read somewhere that the pen was semi-commissioned, as a lead broke in space and nearly blinded an astronaut. Hence the necessity for a pen that would work above ground.
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Urban Legend
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