A Conversation for 'Beowulf' - the Poem
Beowulf Film
Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos Started conversation Mar 5, 2006
Currently in production is a Beowulf film, slated to be released in early 2007. My English language lecturer has a friend who was involved in the filming until he quite because the film took, what he deemed to be, far too many 'artistic' liberties, which I don't understand 'cos its a damned good story itself, even if it is hard to read.
I wonder how much was too much, and if it will be good.
Beowulf Film
anhaga Posted Mar 5, 2006
I suspect that the liberties begin with the creation of the character of 'Selma' (played by Sarah Polley). Gotta have that love-interest, I guess.
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Beowulf Film
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