Escape Pod Dreams - 14
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
There used to be a road here, didn't there?
We, here, at Irritating Public Radio, Your Friends In The Air, have had an interesting series of holidays. Since there is not a real one forthcoming (that we know of. Feel free to tell us otherwise), we have decided to tentatively create our own.
Unfortunately, we have been unable to come up with a name, yet.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
We have decided that it should be a hol that requires no travelling, no
outrageous outlay for tucker or festoons and no real reason for any
relatives that we don't normally speak to to have any reason to speak to us.
We think we would like it to include an animal, possibly an imaginary or mythical one. Something that lends itself to bald-faced story-telling and ribald songs.
Again, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Any excuse to show up at the office in less or more than standard apparel would be appreciated, also.
In other news, Miss April Rewarren of the Secretarial Pool has won her own due date pool by giving birth in the Foyer during the Fire Drill last week. The prize in the betting was the right to provide the child with a middle name, since several of the current staff and half of the let-go staff had missed an opportunity to provide the child with a last name...
Miss April has chosen to name the child Paul Paul Rewarren, giving the
reason that she likes the name Paul.
In other other news, the TV in the tea room has been repaired and
contributions are being taken for the license. Suggestions that we get a dish or a cable are being taken under advisement by the Manglement. They are still not out from under the illusion that having the office computers hooked to the Internet is not a form of Television.