A Conversation for Stories from World War Two
Bombing raid (almost)
Wick Started conversation Apr 30, 2003
My grandfather was in a reserved occupation and lived in a rural area. One night he and my grandmother heard a low flying aircraft and then the sound of bomb explosions. The next day on the way to work my grandfather saw that along the side of the road were a series of fresh bomb craters. Putting two and two together he came to the conclusion that these craters were made by the bombs he had heard the night before. He didn't think much of it until, years later, he was recounting the storey in his works canteen and a colleage piped up with 'That was me'. Apparently what had happened was the bomber this person was in had suffered problems shortly after takeoff and needed to land again. Before doing this they had to drop their bombs somewhere. The navigator worked out where they were and they then flew up the side of the road dropping their bombs. The only casualty was one cow (probably very surprised, very briefly).
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Bombing raid (almost)
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