A Conversation for Typesetting for Beginners - What's the Point?
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Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986 Posted Feb 10, 2003
>A font is a set of characters all in the same typeface, in a particular size.
The problem is that in WP packages the typeface is called a font, and the size is just an attribute of the font - scalable fonts and all that.
>There were several mechanical methods of producing type between movable characters & the onset of computers (such as the 19th century Linotype system). Should't these get a mention if the subject is typesetting?
But the subject of the entry is not typesetting! The subject is Typesetting for Beginners.
>Maybe an entry about typography is called for
I think some of the comments on this entry have really been about typography, rather than about Typesetting for Beginners.
Look, you two can keep suggesting all sorts of things that might be included but haven't been. But it is not expected that a single Guide Entry would be a comprehensive treatment of such a vast subject. There is plenty of scope for others to write their own entries. As I said earlier, my concern now is not with what I have not written, but that what I have written does not mislead.
Oh no?
SEF Posted Feb 13, 2003
The point is that some of the article _is_ misleading though.
Under "Font Attributes":
- Roman and Gothic are families not attributes.
- Heavy, light or outline could go with bold, italic and underline (see the BBC message boards for proof that this one is still very much around). Strike-out is the one less used.
Under "Leading":
- You've missed out double-spaced (or one-and-a-half spaced) text. This is very common in word processors and even more applicable to "typesetting for beginners" than to typography.
Under "Kerning and Ligatures":
- The most important use for kerning is for pushing slanted or overhanging letters to fit together better. It is defined for pairs of characters. General intercharacter spacing is a separate issue.
Oh no?
the Chairmaker Posted Feb 14, 2003
Glad to hear from you again Sef, I wrote a quite sharp reply, then didn't post it, as I thought it was turning into a flame war between Bels & myself.
Basically, I agree that some of the article is misleading/incorrect & it should be edited to remove the errors that we have both pointed out.
If length is a problem then maybe the more typographical elements (such as serifs, bold, roman etc)could be left out for inclusion into an entry on typography?
Typsetting for beginners:
What is typesetting?
How it was done (& still is in some printers)
Technical terms & their meanings
The subject is typesetting for beginners, not typography or WP packages, so where technical terms are used (such as font) they should be explained in terms of typsetting, not WP.
After all, we are the last generation to be in contact with the old trade of typsetting, so I think this is important. Getting melodramatic there but the bloke who tought typography when I was at uni was an old school printer, dragged out of retirement. He is dead now & there are no more being made like him as the trade is now almost exclusively computer based.
Anyway, whatever is kept in must be correct. If you are not sure, ask an expert or leave it out.
Oh no?
SEF Posted Feb 14, 2003
I'm not sure why Bels seems to be getting so upset over this. Part of the problem may be that I shouldn't have posted here (to make a sort of bookmark to the article for myself) but should have gone straight to Feedback-Editorial with the necessary changes (including all the grammar, sentence construction and punctuation errors).
PS having peeked at your page, have you considered volunteering as a Community Artist?
Oh no?
the Chairmaker Posted Feb 14, 2003
PS having peeked at your page, have you considered volunteering as a Community Artist?
Oh no?
SEF Posted Feb 14, 2003
"How?" to which bit?
I peeked at your page via your nickname link on these postings.
You go to <./>CommunityArtists-Recruit</.> to volunteer (by starting a new message). Mina normally recruits on a Tuesday but sometimes that's a moving target!
You should to check <./>CommunityArtists-What</.> and some of the other pages to see what is expected of a CA. As a graphic designer you should have no trouble apart from pressure of real-life work. With enough CAs there will be more opportunity to pick projects. You will need to get a Yahoo ID and be able to upload graphic files with ftp too if you pass the test (2 randomised guide entries to illustrate).
This has drifted rather far off topic, but at least CAs use type faces sometimes. If you do volunteer I'll talk to you over on that page rather than this as it really isn't fair to Bels to hijack this article's conversation forum. Or I suppose you could always trace me back to my place.
Oh no?
Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986 Posted Feb 25, 2003
Some rewording has been done, along the lines I suggested earlier.
I'd appreciate some Editorial comment. Anna?
Oh no?
World Service Memoryshare team Posted Feb 26, 2003
Hi Everyone,
I've implemented some of the changes at Bels request. Thanks for those Bels
I'm currently looking into reviving the updating scheme and so have been thinking about some of the issues that have been raised here. Short, easy-to-do changes are straightforward and many of these are picked up and are altered at the Peer Review stage. The advantage of this is that it ensures we have a good quality piece for the front page and allows discussion and criticism to happen at a much earlier stage. We accepted this entry into the Edited Guide and it's a good Guide to Typesetting for Beginners.
I think that writing some more entries on the subject rather than trying to make this one definitive is the best way forward. We always welcome new Entries and look forward to seeing some more Entries on the subject of typesetting and typography. I hope you'll consider writing them.
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