A Conversation for The Armenian Genocide
Darth Zaphod Started conversation Nov 30, 2002
Excellent entry--very informational! I read alot into the Armenian Genocide; it interests me alot. Just curious, why did you choose to write about this? Armenian background? Or just something interesting? I thought maybe you did so because of a liking for System of a Down (I know they're strong advocates of it) just wondering. Thanks for the great entry!
Darth Zaphod
Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986 Posted Dec 2, 2002
Thanks very much. I don't have an Armenian background at all, and it's rather a long story as to how I first became involved with the destiny of the Armenian people (it was a long time ago) but there is a little bit of that story at F99575?thread=224769.
trakian Posted Jul 18, 2005
bravo for what? misleading information?
sorry that non of you have any idea of what has happened during these years.
the guy tells you about some historical events, and all of you just believe in whatever he says.
you say it is a genocide, i believe it is a massacre.
and be sure it is notü the only massacre that has been in these years, around that geography.
if you are really interested in history, just look for some other sources, and you will see that:
- armenians in ottoman empire has helped the invading russian troops in many ways.
- illegal armenians gans also have killed lots of turkish and muslim orieanted people before what is called genocide.
- many western countries have helped rebellious armenians to fight against their own country, ottoman empire.
- armenians were living between the frontline of ottoman-russian war and the capital of ottoman empire, and they were trying to cut the link between so that ottoman troops would be left between two russian troops and armenian troops.
- ottoman authorities had to find a way to carry armenians to other places.
there is nothing wrong till that. usa had relocated lots of japanese-americans during world war 2.
the problem is that ottoman authorities could not be able to protect armenians during this relocation process. and yes, this is a crime! this is one of biggest crimes of the history.
but it is not a genocide, cause it was not planned before. and it was not for all the armenians living in ottoman land.
the armenians living in other parts of ottoman empire were not effected from that process. cause the problem was only with the armenians who were an importand threat between the ottoman capital and war frontline. if it was a genocide against armenians, than all armenians would be killed. but that was not thne case.
as a last word: during russian ottoman war in 1877, 2 million turkish,muslim oriented people were killed by russian and bulgarian troops. during tha balkan war, 1.2 million turks and muslims were killed by greek, serbian and bulgarian troops and gangs.
these are also very very big crimes.
tehese are also genocieds.
but none of you would want to talk about these.
cause when your country or your religion commits a crime, you can forget it.
but whenever some other countries especially from different cultures and religion commit crimes, they are genocides!
come on, read a little bit.
crime has no religion or race.
for example, do you know, for 700 hundred years of ottoman empire, in most of the important positions of the empire, armenian, greek or some other non-turkish or non-muslim people were employed and they leaded the empire? could you ever see a jew in the cabinet of hitler? but there was armenians in the ottoman cabinet during the so called genocide.
so don't be funny you don't employ people in the cabinat from a race that you want to destroy.
Ermenivatandas Posted Sep 13, 2008
fo the quote "...for 700 hundred years of ottoman empire, in most of the important positions of the empire, armenian, greek or some other non-turkish or non-muslim people were employed and they leaded the empire?" .... well, that was until Abdulhamit time when you guys became very islamic, before then there was freedom of religions wihtin the empire.
Besides all the rebellions started because of the unfairness of Abdulhamit. Obviously no one had any reasons to rebell until that time because they were happy, they were under fair treatment.
It's very hard to look at the history and comment on sensitive subjects unbiased.
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