A Conversation for The Armenian Genocide
Birds Without WIngs
roobarrb Started conversation Mar 9, 2005
A good introduction to this period is Louis de Bernieres' novel Birds Without Wings. This tells how Armenians were taken from their homes in a small, peaceful town on the pretence of being 'resetled'. These ordinary decent folk are then raped, brutalised, robbed and murdered. Bernieres' matter-of-fact style lets readers see events throught the eyes of ordinary people caught up in this evil. Its an unsettling read, but well worth the effort.
Birds Without WIngs
trakian Posted Jul 18, 2005
the whole book is about the friendly relations of turks, greeks, armenians and others in ottoman land. and focuses on the western effect on these populations which results in hatred and war.
don't believe in these malevolent comments, just read the book and you will see what is the reason of all these pains.
Birds Without WIngs
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted Jan 20, 2007
High time I read this book. I will dedicate my reading of it to the murdered journalist Hrant Dink.
Have read Corelli's Mandolin and The Red Dog by the same author.
Birds Without WIngs
Lucky Llareggub - no more cannibals in our village, we ate the last one yesterday.. Posted Jan 23, 2007
I'm off to the library. Hope they have Birds Without Wings.
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Birds Without WIngs
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