New Brighton Seagull Observation

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New Brighton Seagull Observation

SashaQ writes: Recently at New Brighton I saw some young Herring Gulls. From a distance it looked like one of the gulls had a weirdly long beak. When I zoomed in with my camera, I saw the gull had picked up a stick and was using it to probe the sand at the water's edge.

I can't guess what the gull's companions thought of its skills with a tool. Unfortunately, the scene didn't last long - the gulls were startled and took flight. I captured the moment when the clever gull lost its stick. When it was able to land again, I hope the gull didn't lose its knowledge of tools, and I hope it soon found a new stick to work with.

Three gulls on wet sand.  One gull has a stick in its beak and is probing the sand.
Two gulls in flight over water.  The stick is in mid air, as the clever gull has just dropped it

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