The h2g2 Post 22.07.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 22nd July 2024

This week's title is Ports of Call. Clockwise from upper left: The London skyline featuring the building known locally as the Boomerang, a peaceful cottontail bunny, a night-sky view of a SpaceX launch, the Globe Theatre, a mountain lake, yellow lilies, red-and-yellow lilie, a black dog looking puzzled at a row of portallos, two herons in the shallows doing the hokey-cokey, and the Statue of Liberty raising her torch.

It's summertime around here, and we are declaring silly season.

Paulh has finished his serial, and Caiman's is on hiatus while he camps in beautiful, remote, and un-wifi-ed places. As a result, you get only three new chapters this week. That's okay: FWR's is ramping up the excitement as it heads towards its surprising conclusion, Tav's characters keep finding interesting things, and while mine refuse to flood the Colosseum, they promise that the Roman Empire won't know what hit it. Meanwhile, there are doings at the church fĂȘte. One involves that caravan.

Summer is silly, anyway: we don't have enough energy to make sense. Witness the discussions I have in these pages. Take a look at what people sent me. Even the birds are getting in on the fun: the herons are dancing the hokey-cokey. Paigetheoracle and I muse on mushroom aesthetics, while Luna plays the old shell game with a twist.

FWR's nearest and dearest were making him envious, as his daughter in London and his wife in New York City played duelling photos. We get to enjoy the pics. FWR isn't allowed in New York City. It's a long (and funny) story. There's a link somewhere in here. And that was even before his friends in San Diego got to watch the space launch from their backyard.

We suggest you enjoy this issue in the laziest way possible: lay back, grab a cold beverage, and savour the contents one at a time, slowly. Leave comments if you can manage it. Send me more Stuff, especially photos and short video clips. We have recently discovered that summer Youtube is mad for short video clips.

And have a wonderful week out there. Don't forget your sunscreen. Willem and Sagrys are keeping warm and will be back next week.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
If cats could talk, they wouldn't.

Missy the Bobtail
Honey bee on a flower, by Tavaron.

July Create Challenge:
A Sense of Summer

Video Extra:
The Birds!
Click here in Ripley

Consider the Lilies

Lilies by DG.



Chapter 26

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Duelling Skylines
London skyline.
  • Video
  • 'Possible showers', ha!


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