The h2g2 Post 19.08.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 19th August 2024

This week's title is Moments of Peace. Clockwise from upper left: An Adonis Blue butterfly on white flowers, plums ripening on the tree, a church seen across a small river with bridge, a heron on a rock in the middle of another small river thousands of miles away, a tiny snail sitting in the middle of a green plant like a flower head, fireweed in a Scottish field, a pigeon in England perching among electrical boxes, and an albino parakeet, newly fledged, sitting on its colourful rope perch in a flight cage in Austria.

Ah, peace and quiet. The Olympic Games are over, except for kids running around practising their floor exercises and breakdancing. They're doing that to avoid thinking about the looming spectre of a new school year. Parents are thinking about the possibility of a few hours' quiet during the week.

We, of course, are thinking about bugs.

What, you say? People, I don't make the rules. August is bugs'n'slugs month. I don't ask for them. But I get 'em. Caterpillars. Snails, the ones with houses, and slugs, the ones without. Spiders. Also lizards and frogs and such. They send 'em. I post 'em. At least they aren't grasshoppers. Entomologists of the world, unite: and please tell us what they are, because nobody knows. They just 'thought they were interesting.' Be glad I don't let Paige submit any more roadkill.

We have birdies, too. Tavaron has some rare ones that hatched at her house. Paige spied on a heron. FWR saw a noble pigeon. I think it has a nice profile.

Things are blooming. Things are growing. There will be fruit and potatoes. Enjoy the bounty of nature.

Also read our features and fiction. Three stories still ongoing. Caiman's teens are having adventures. Tavaron's colonists are sneezing. This is the most realistic scifi ever. Back in 42CE, a Roman is waxing philosophical after being an unwitting part of history. Lots to pass the time with while you're waiting for the weather to cool down.

Please keep sending Stuff. We're having fun. And have a great week out there.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quote of the Week:
The Olympics, like all sports, are about celebrating the most awe-inspiring humans (or horses) for both their physical and mental superiority.

Lauren Theisen

Hallstatt, Austria.

August Create Challenge:
Remembrance of Summers Past

Video Extra:
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Lizard on a leaf.



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A Letter Home

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


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