I've just finished watching Travelers for the third time. I think I've almost got the implications of this stellar Canadian science fiction series (it's on Netflix, folks). Time-travelling humans from Earth's bleak future go back and try to save us from ourselves. They appreciate all the little things: a meal ('broccolini! It's the bomb!'), sunlight, the beauty of that one lake in Vancouver that appears in every scifi movie, the endearing qualities of a terrapin. . .you get the idea.
People, the world is still here. We aren't yet struggling for our last glimpse of the sun before the ice encases our domed shelter forever. There are still bears in the woods (and occasionally in my yard). We still have a chance to save it. Maybe we can start right here, by showing it to each other. Which brings me to some fun news.
For some reason, the Youtube algorithm has been kind to us recently. I think their AI likes squirrels, bunnies, and birdies. I also think I should start using simpler titles. Whatever we accidentally did right, one of my squirrel videos got popular a couple of weeks ago and has 998 views. The following week, Tavaron's budgies got 983 views. We don't know why, but we appreciate the attention. Both wildly popular videos can be seen in this week's issue. Please enjoy them, share them, and consider sending me your wildlife footage for display. You might inspire a budding interest in biology in someone who in turn might go on to save the planet. Stranger things have happened.
We've got more wildlife, of course: let Willem tell you all about possums. I learned things – and I get possums in the yard (not just bears). Impressive critters, possums. There are also birds and a really stunning photo of a ladybird.
The scenery is good this week. Also the tourism: FWR shows you some doors. And a beautiful church. Paulh has found some more autumn trees. Paigetheoracle spots seaweed and other wonders of the Scottish coastal ecosystem.
Human activity is not scanted: FWR flies home, Awix watches Netflix, and Bluebottle prepares us for the next adventure. What can he come up with that is scarier than an Isle of Wight overrun by dinosaurs or vampires? Why, the church fête, or course. Ask a silly question. . .
You know what to do: read, discuss, distribute. Send more Stuff. I need Stuff. Who knows? Your contribution may have far-reaching effects. Or just make a friend smile.
Quote of the Week. Can I start going around saying Waterloo was won by a magician who cast spells to defeat the French? After all, it's not a documentary and I wasn't there. . .
Kyle Glover, Twitter