Archaeologisches Freilichtmuseum Schwarzenbach

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Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Schwarzenbach

We visited a very small open-air museum on a hill on which was once a large and rich Celtic town (from about 200 AD). But there are traces of settlements since the Stone Age. It's just a few houses and they seem to be mainly built by archeology students during their courses. They also get to do some digging there. Apart from the houses there's also a tiny museum in a container and the whole place is accessed via a turnstile in which you put some small change.

The museum is up on the hill with the lookout tower.

The houses are made in different building techniques but mostly from wood. Some with posts, some as log houses. One building is made from 'woven' branches which were then covered with clay (origin of the German word Wand (=wall) - from winden).

There still is a rather deep ditch in the forest around the former settlement and they re-built a tiny piece of the wall. Of course at that time the place was completely deforested.

From up on the hill there is a great view towards the last mountains of the alps as well to the direction of Hungary. I guess nobody could approach that place without being noticed.
View of the open-air museum.Houses at the open-air museum.
Houses at the open-air museum.Houses at the open-air museum.
Houses at the open-air museum.Houses at the open-air museum.
Houses at the open-air museum.Houses at the open-air museum.
Houses at the open-air museum.Houses at the open-air museum.
View from the open-air museum.View from the open-air museum.
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