House of the Morningstar: Chapter 35
Created | Updated Jul 23, 2023
House of the Morningstar: Chapter 35
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Kelly has taken the day off. First thing in the morning I sent a message to Andrew, telling him that I will come home very soon and that he should better hide those boxes I sent him when they arrive. Who knows, Bill may have people there, too, and they may be watching our families? I am getting really paranoid, I know.
Then Kelly and I took a shuttle up to Ares Station, checking on the situation there. We lingered for a while, watching the gates of the transports back home. It wasn't very obvious at first but after a while we definitely saw that people were secretly checking passengers' luggage with scanners, and engaged some of them in conversation. It is clear that I will not be able to take anything with me on the flight. I will have to leave it here. I am not sure if sending a package will be an alternative as they may check that, too. I do not want to risk being detected by Bill's men.
We went back to Katastropolis. We spent the day walking through the city talking about everything that has happened and also making plans for what to do next. Maybe I will simply leave everything I still have in my possession from Eldorado with Kelly and she can send it to me when the dust has settled. I am sure they will not keep observing all leaving transports forever.
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The Ruins of Eldorado
Tanja was grabbed from behind and she felt her weapon being taken away. Then she was pushed into a corner. She felt someone else move beside her – probably Angela Morgenstern. Before Tanja could even make an attempt to warn the others, she saw Zara's head appear in the gap of the gate. Tanja stumbled when she was pushed into the corner, too. Only seconds later, Rahim's helmet appeared. This time Mr Spencer didn't even wait until he came through but immediately fired a shot. Rahim went limp, half stuck in the gate. Zara let out a shriek. Mr Spencer quickly turned around.
'You didn't really believe you could just follow me here and then arrest me, did you? I'm really sorry but I can't let you do that. I've been offered far too much money for this. I will contact my customer and he will no doubt send a shuttle to pick me up right away,' he said.
While Angela Morgenstern tried to console Zara, Tanja engaged the so-called Mr Spencer.
'Well,' Tanja answered,' that's very nice for you, but do you really think once he has the coordinates he still needs you? Maybe he will just leave you here.'
Mr Spencer shook his head. 'He wouldn't do that.'
'Ah,' Tanja said,'but that's what your friends thought of you, too, didn't they? And now you want to keep the money for yourself. By the way, they will all be picked up by a few of my colleagues very soon. Why shouldn't your client – and I'm using the term lightly – do the same with you?'
Mr Spencer angrily hit the wall with his fist and grunted, 'He knows that if he does that I will come after him!'
Tanja laughed. 'And you think he couldn't pay dozens more of your kind to prevent that?'
He snorted. 'I won't let him do that to me. He thinks I'm stupid? I will keep the treasure for myself. Sell it to him bit by bit. I'll never tell him where it is! Maybe I'll even sell it to others if the price is right! I will show him!'
Tanja nodded. 'Yes, I think that would be the best idea.'
Mr Spencer turned his attention to Angela Morgenstern.
'Hey, now stop fussing about and get on. I want to inspect my treasure,' he barked and waved the gun he was holding to the general direction further ahead.
Angela Morgenstern was leading the way, with Zara and Tanja closely behind her. Mr Spencer was following them, gun in hand, as they crossed the hall, which was an obstacle course filled with old crates, unrecogniseable pieces of machinery and rubble. Once they passed through a beam of moonlight which fell through the roof, then there was darkness again. Still, Tanja had the feeling something was there. She wanted to shout when she thought she saw a movement, but Angela Morgenstern grabbed her arm and urged her to go on.
Angela led them to a corridor which led off the other way of the large hall. It was very long and its end was hidden somewhere in the darkness. Even with her night vision on, Tanja could not clearly see where it led. But somewhere in the middle of the corridor there was a large hole in the wall through which they could exit. When she stepped out of the hole after Zara, Tanja saw that they had left the narrow canyon behind them; its end was blocking the structure of the hall. While they were still in a part of the canyon, it was a lot wider here and the walls were not as steep as in the part from which they came. It actually seemed that the main part of the canyon ran north-to-south and probably had more entrances in other places. As far as the eye could see there were the remnants of high buildings. They looked like the skeletons of giants in the moonlight. Again, Tanja had the feeling that they were being followed, but remembering Angela's reaction she did not let it show.
They followed the side of the corridor until it reached what looked like a jumble of large boxes, scattered on the ground like building bricks. From there, they wandered between the ruins on wide streets of dust and sand. At one point they had to traverse the remains of a building which had collapsed onto the road. While they walked, Tanja was thinking. They were three, while Mr Spencer had left all his friends behind. They just needed the right opportunity. Right now, she didn't dare to try anything.
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