Suzie Q Goes Shopping with the Romans (in Carnuntum)

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Suzie Q Goes Shopping with the Romans (in Carnuntum)

Oil merchant's shop in Carnuntum

This conversation took place in the sleazy space bar where the Core Team hang out.

Tavaron: This is in Carnuntum. I wrote an entry about it, it's a Roman city and there's an open-air museum where they rebuilt some houses on their former plots.

They add more and more over time and the newest addition is what they call the 'house of the oil merchant', which is the one with the amphoras.

They actually build the houses the way they did in the year 300 or something, so for instance the thermal bath has working under-floor heating and stuff.

Dmitri: I can see where the amphorae would be at an oil merchant's house. It was either that, or a Greek tourist shop....

Tavaron: Next to the merchant's house they had another small new building. I didn't take a picture because it was pretty dark inside, but it seemed to be a laundry room with a water basin and clothes racks.

I mean of course it was a Roman laundry room, not a modern one.

Dmitri: So, no washing machines?

This is the sort of high-level discourse you've come to expect from the Core Team.

LEFTOil merchant's shop in Carnuntum
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