The h2g2 Post: 03.12.18

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 3rd December 2018

Break Out the Tinsel

Wreathed View by Dmitri GheorgheniIs your view impended by holiday geegaws? No? Then you need to go up to the attic and un-box those decorations, right now. Break out the pumpkin spices and get into the mood for….


What? Oh, yes. Spies are the subject of this month's always-appropriate Create Challenge. Read about it below. Also try the spy-related quiz. You'll thank us when the season really kicks in, and you're tired of the department-store muzak.

Speaking of muzak, we have a special treat for our loyal customers this month: your very own holiday music album, absolutely free of charge. That's right! You don't have to pay extra for your very own copy of An h2g2 Christmas. Just bookmark that playlist. Yes, your Editor has a discoloured fingernail. I mashed it opening a folding chair at the Autumn Leaf Festival parade. What's it to you? Just put the playlist on in the background at your next holiday soirée, and collect comments on your avant-garde taste. Maybe they won't ask for hip-hop. If you just want a sample, try this week's featured video, which involves some wise guys in search of the head of Alfredo Garcia. (Only joking.)

We have all sorts of goodies for you in this, another super-bumper issue. Let us enumerate some of the delights herein contained:
A shopping bag that says 'Earth' on it.

  • Willem has treats for you, so Happy St Nicholas! First, there are more dead dinosaurs. These look better than they sound. And then…this week, we start Willem's new comic: Desideria the Demoness. He hasn't told us much about it, so we'll be as surprised as you will. The first page looks awfully promising.
  • Awix is back with more must-miss-or-must-see cinema. Tune in to learn which. At least, it doesn't involve Harry Potter. Or Peter Rabbit.
  • There is absolutely wonderful photography this week. Some of it comes from last month's NaJo project, other photos arrived over the gmail transom. There's wildlife, humour, food, and even a bicycle in a tree. Gawp and discuss.
  • bobstafford has a fascinating story about an elegant horse-training trick. (You get these titbits at no extra charge, too, you know.) Paigetheoracle starts a yarn about an urban shaman. Freewayriding has a thrilling spy tale to fit the season.
  • Be sure to get a gander at Superfrenchie's handiwork. Our French Researcher had a bit of time on her hands and put it to good use. She's illustrated the Douglas Adams parable of the sperm whale and the bowl of petunias, rendered beautifully in crochet. You will want to get the artist's statement on this one.
  • As usual, there is quiz stuff, humour, bad advice, and snark.
TJ the cat in a very small box.
Read, enjoy, comment, share on social media. Think: Do I have a spy story to share? A good holiday recipe? A photo of my dog/cat/pet condor doing something cute/interesting/very alarming? Remember, the go-to addy is postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com.

Meanwhile, wrap up warmly (unless your name is Willem, in which case, get your umbrella out, buddy, it will rain, we've been praying), and go dodge some holiday crowds. And have a good week!

Quote of the Week: 'Even a broken clock is right twice a day.' – Elektra

'Not if it's digital, it isn't.' – Superfrenchie

Create December 2018 by Freewayriding
December Create Challenge:
The Researcher Who Came in from the Cold

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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