SuperMarket XXII - The Researcher who Loved Fleas

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The Classic Goo monster in an h2g2 T shirtHello, and welcome to the twenty-second edition of Super Market, the update of everything exciting taking place in h2g2's own Flea Market.

Edited Flea Market Rescues

This month one Flea Market rescue became an Edited Update, bringing the total to 273.

New To Flea Market

The following entries are now in the Flea Market, ready to be rescued!

I wonder if anyone has noticed a theme...?

Recommended Flea Market Rescues

This month we have had one Flea Market Rescue recommended:

Flea Market Rescues in Peer Review

Article Being RescuedConversationRescuerOriginal
Doctor Who Enemies: OmegaPeer
BluebottleOmega - The Founder of Time Travel by Cyberhuman

Please reads through and comment about these articles - help us make them the best they can be.

Find Something for the Flea Market Fortnight

This month we hope to see if anyone else has spotted any exciting entries that didn't make it into the Edited Guide, but deserved to and are able to be submitted to the Flea Market.

How do you know whether an Entry may be able to be submitted to the Flea Market?

  • If the entry became Edited, it cannot go in the Flea Market.
  • If the entry has not previously been in a Review Forum1, it cannot go in the Flea Market.
  • If the entry has been Hidden or Deleted, or the author has indicated that they do not want their article to be part of the Edited Guide such as by ticking 'Not For Review', it cannot go in the Flea Market.
  • If the topic is an opinion piece, rant, poem or work of fiction, it cannot go in the Flea Market.
  • If the entry's author is still active on h2g2, it is up to the author to decide what to do with the entry and should not be put in the Flea Market without their consent.
  • If it is an entry that was intended to be part of the Edited Guide2 that has not been Edited/Approved and is not a work of fiction, then it may be suitable for the Flea Market!

If you've found an entry that you think should be in the Flea Market and is eligible, please start a conversation about it below.

And Remember...

, the Flea Market needs You!

A reader of the h2g2 Post

The Flea Market Archive


23.02.15 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1The Review Fora are Peer Review, Flea Market, Edited Guide Writing Workshop and University of Life.2As demonstrated by being submitted to a Review Forum with no indication that the author no longer wishes their entry to be part of the Edited Guide.

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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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