The h2g2 Post 23.02.15

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 23rd February 2015

You Have HOW MUCH Snow?

The Editor and Brother-in-Law, ready to move North.It's that time again. No, not time to dust off your vinyl records, though we did that this week, too. It's time to load the old Conestoga and head to greener pastures…

…wait, what do you mean those pastures aren't green? That the cows haven't seen a blade of grass in months? That there's about three feet of snow on the ground? Oh, glory. We picked the winter of the century to move in?

That's such a very Arthur Dent thing to do…I'm embarrassed. However, the die is cast, as Caesar said before he urged his horse into that river. (What the horse said has not been recorded, though we're betting on, 'Mamma mia, that's one icy river!') As you read this, we Gheorghenis will be tooling up the highway on our way to new digs in Pennsylvania.

That's a picture of me and my brother-in-law there. The ox is very fuel-efficient. Nephew and great-nephew are following in the Conestoga with all the gear: furniture, computers, and stuffz. We'll get there, eventually. I'm betting we manage to sing a few choruses on the way.

While we're getting the Post Office unpacked, please enjoy this week's issue, courtesy of the Better Half of the Post Team, our Magwitch. Who, we hope, is suffering nothing worse than rain in her beloved Manchester.

Cactuscafe and Willem inspire us with their art, Awix inspires us with cinema, and the 42-word bunch inspire guffaws. Galaxy Babe reminds us why we look up at night, and Bluebottle reminds why we write for the Edited Guide.

Speaking of writing for the Guide, have you done your ancestor-related piece for Create yet this month? If you haven't, better get cracking. February is a short month, for which we're grateful. Punxsutawny Phil the Groundhog is grateful, too: the US State of New Hampshire has issued an arrest warrant for the varmint. Spring has to come, sooner or later.

So, until we see you again, friends, stay warm and dry! Read, comment, and send us Stuff!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Saddlebilled storks by Willem.
  • Light and Shadows by Cactuscafe.



  • A night in old Istanbul.
  • A devastating putdown.


  • February Create.
  • Even aliens read  Peer Review.

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