The h2g2 Post 26.05.14

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 26th May 2014

A Riot of Colour

Tortoises caught in flagrante by a h2g2er. Okay, maybe it's just a riot, period. A few short weeks ago, I asked you people to go outside, point and click in the general direction of Nature. You did. The results have been fabulous. They have also turned up some startling revelations:

1. Nature is naughty. Bel caught these tortoises in flagrante in Turkey. They can't sue us, it's their own fault.

2. Magwitch's property is wonderful. She sent me pics to load, but without descriptions. 'What am I, a botanist?' I complained, and attached vague labels, such as 'purple flower', to them. 'That "meadow" is my back garden,' said Mags. Shows what I know. It's pretty, anyhow.

We've been reveling in Nature here at the Post. We've also been rejoicing in a wealth of fascinating Stuff to share with you this week. Awix went to see something Japanese…we think he knows a bit about this. Galaxy Babe is back with the star report, and Bluebottle's here to get us to rescue some more Guide Entries. Ben's got a thoughtful analysis to offer, as usual. Willem shares some sheep, and tells us what Narlesha's been up to.

Rod's Green Man is back, just in time for May. We hope the magical fella appreciates all the flowers we've got.

There's the usual snarkiness, and a quiz that will keep you on your toes, along with some visual funnies.

Coming up next month: History! Create is going to invite us to assess the 20th Century. We should be good at this. Most of us have been there. Sharpen your wits and prepare to do Research.

In the meantime, get into these stories. Drop by for a chat. And enjoy your week!

PS Late breaking news: Paper Amy is packing for Manchester. Happy Towel Day!
Paper Amy packs.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Barbary sheep by Willem
  • .

  • Mags has purple flowers.



  • Bel's flowers are purple, too.
  • Gazebo.


  • The Battle of Hastings needs a press conference.
  • A

  • It's the only way to fly. Seriously.
  • .


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