A Conversation for He-Man and The Masters of the Universe

He-Man's Mighty Weapon

Post 1

Colonel Codpiece

It's funny how you look back at the cartoons you watched as a child and get slapped in the face with blatant innuendo...and Skeletor quite obviously got that outfit from Ann Summers.smiley - biggrin

Great article, thoroughly enjoyed itsmiley - ok

He-Man's Mighty Weapon

Post 2

And Introducing... A Leg

'Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword and said "By the Power of Greyskull"...'

smiley - ermWhy did he hold aloft his magic sword and say 'By the Power of Greyskull'? From the day I first saw it to this I've never quite figured out what was on his mind that day.

Maybe he was playing He-Man...smiley - winkeye

He-Man's Mighty Weapon

Post 3

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - ermAre you talking about bonnie Prince Adam, or does one of your friends have an unhealthy He-Man fixation too?smiley - smiley

Hmmmm...all the 'power' comes from the 'sword'...what would a feminist psychologist have to say about that one?smiley - biggrin

I have to try to catch my mind before it goes too far...smiley - run

He-Man's Mighty Weapon

Post 4

And Introducing... A Leg

I mean Prince Adam. I mean, it's not the sort of thing one does every day, is it? I can only guess he was playing a game of He-Man.

That or proudly brandishing his mighty weapon, nod nod, wink wink, say no more.smiley - winkeye

He-Man's Mighty Weapon

Post 5

Colonel Codpiece

It's obvious what he was thinking about...smiley - laugh

Prince Adam laboured under an inferiority complex caused by his general uselessness and overbearing, neglectful Father, who happened to be the ruler of all of Eternia. When he happened upon Castle Greyskull, he took this as an affirmation of his grey-haired fathers power as head of state and reasoned that, with the help of a lame sword and an eerie echo, he could extract this power by vocally declaring his independence...smiley - erm

That's that sorted out. Next...Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds.smiley - biggrin

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