You Are Going on a Long Journey… It's that time of year again – how the weeks fly! – when we get out the Windex and shiny up our crystal balls. Yes, h2g2ers, it's the turn of another year in the Western reckoning. We won't go on about how it's just a number, and you could throw a dart on a calendar and call a day 'new year's', or how Dennis the Short got it wrong, or even how we're almost 300 years off, anyway. Forget about it. It's an excuse to stay up too late, drink, get maudlin over the past, and make a lot of promises to yourself you can't keep. Enjoy.
As you've probably noticed by now, our Front Page has received a makeover, and is all new and shiny for the new year. Thank Pastey for that. To see what else he found memorable about this past year, see his review right here in the Post.
Our Create Team would like to thank everybody for their memorable Christmas stories, and point out that come New Year's Day, there's a brand-new challenge. This one is about First Footing. Be the first to get your foot in the door on this one, you'll enjoy it.
Our contributors have taken time during the holiday season to inform, intrigue, and entertain you. We hope you'll find yourselves enlightened and amused by what's in these pages.
Enjoy the festivities, wherever you are. Happy New Year!
Dmitri Gheorgheni