A Conversation for Hamster Throwing - a Game

I Saw It on TV

Post 1

Steve K.

I vaguely recall seeing an Asian dance/musical group perform a similar routine. It was a group sort of like a Taiko percussion ensemble, I think, with "Stomp"-like routines added. Or something.

The particular routine had a half dozen members sitting in a line. The two at each end were tossing a "mime" object back and forth, with humorous musical accompaniment. This went on for a while, with the middle group members watching the mime object intently as it arched back and forth. A dramatic cadence was reached when the middle member intercepted the object, with great satisfaction. Very funny, but maybe you had to be there. smiley - musicalnote

I Saw It on TV

Post 2

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I like the look of this game, simple, quick and effective. I'm guessing your also not allowed to talk or is that allowed?

I might just have to get some friends together for a game (oh such lucky friends).

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