Spook X

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Spook X

Well, in this issue, I thought I'd tell you about how I made a great discovery. Enjoy...

Well, in Spook X 2 weeks ago I promised to find one of America's beacons. And, as promised, I did. However, let me tell you, it was not easy. My journey begun with a message from one of my sources:

'It's right under your nose!' They said.

'What do you mean right under my nose?' I replied.

'I can't explain,' they said. 'The government monitors msn messages. I have to go.'

At this point my source went online. 'Right under my nose?' I thought to myself, 'How could it be right under my nose?'

Well, I begun my search of the internet. Using different searching devices and scanning messages I checked out some of the likely websites. Government sites. Porno sites. Alien sites. News sites. I checked lots of different sites, yet the results always came back negative.

Then I got an e-mail which did not have a sender, but contained a number. '847' Could this be the answer - some sort of message that gave me the location of the beacon?

I looked at www.847.com - no beacon.

I looked at www.847.co.uk - no beacon.

I looked at www.847.net - no beacon.

I looked at www.847.org - no beacon.

I then did a Google search for 847 - unfortunately the results were confusing and gave no clues to where the beacon was located.

Then I thought about my earlier clue - it's right under my nose. 847. Then it came to me. 8 = h, as h is the eighth number of the alphabet, and for the same reason, 7 = h. Then, the number 4, divided by 2, equals 2. There are two 2s in that equation.

So, I had a h, a g, and two 2s. The answer was simple. h2g2. I immediately scanned h2g2 and found a beacon. A beacon on h2g2. I was shocked. But I was even more shocked when I accessed the beacon...

And Finally...

Next week in Spook X, I will reveal the information I found once I accessed the beacon. See you next week!


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