A Conversation for Neon Lighting
Tube light
Emsley Thomas Started conversation Nov 26, 2002
Great entry!!
In Nepal they use "tube light" as an insult for someone who is a bit slow on the uptake... it derives from neon lights and the way that they take a moment to flicker on after you flick the switch .
Just though I'd share that with you...
Tube light
Just an innocent bystander Posted Nov 26, 2002
Well thanks a lot for sharing that, my knowledge of Nepalese idiom could use a little brushing up.
Although I doubt it is derived from neon lighting, since this normally does NOT flicker when starting up but should light instantaneously. This is because of the type of transformer used to power the neon tube. Fluorescent tubing (using another kind of power supply) does flicker at startup however, so perhaps it refers to that ?
Thanks again !
Tube light
Sea Change Posted Nov 26, 2002
I have seen some neon signs with dysfunctional elements that flicker. Are they truly neon signs, or are they just fancy flourescents?
Tube light
Just an innocent bystander Posted Nov 26, 2002
No, these are probably neon.
Neon CAN flicker (just not when starting up). This can be caused by :
- a faulty tube (i.e. contamination, leakage, ageing etc.)
- a failing transformer
- problems with cabling/grounding/whatever...
- someone constantly switching the power on and off
Of course, there are also animated effects where electronic devices are used to sequentially switch on/off groups of tubes in order to obtain some kind of visual effect.
PS in real cold weather, it can happen that the mercury in argon/mercury filled tubes takes a long time to evaporate, thereby increasing the electrical resistance of the tube and possibly exceeding the capacity of the transformer - which will then cause the tube to flicker. In fact, most neon tube failures will occur in cold periods.
Tube light
Just an innocent bystander Posted Nov 28, 2002
Well, that could certainly be it , but then it's not related to the starting of the tube
Reason for my (limited) knowledge is that I worked for a company selling among other things supplies to neon and sign makers so I had to make sure to learn at least something about the stuff.
Came to love it and although I don't do anything with it anymore it's still fascinating to watch.
Tube light
Emsley Thomas Posted Dec 2, 2002
I dunno, maybe they are just confused aout the whole neon light thing... i still like it as a n insult though, more creative than simply saying "idiot"...
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Tube light
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