A Conversation for A Pyramid on Mars

Arthur C Clarke

Post 1


I remember a programme, 'The Mysterious World', where Arthur told viewers these strange features on Mars were natrually occouring. He then gave a very intresting example of this happening on our own planet, an outcrop of land, possibly sandbanks jutting into the sea, the way this was formed produced an amazing image when viewed from the air, it looked very much like a bearded old mans face in profile.
I have looked all over for a copy of this picture, but never found it, any help would be appreciated. If my memory is correct the 'face' was on the coast of Nova Scotia.

SNIDEsmiley - whistle

Arthur C Clarke

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Really detailed analysis of the Mars photos shows a human figure with a bird's head, and a camel with sunglasses smoking a cigarette!

Arthur C Clarke

Post 3


Intrestingly, NASA scientists in thier spare time, wheeled out an old Kray XMP 'Supercomputer', to see if it could enhance todays ulta-high resolution inter-planetery images, it could, and the camel was just holding it for a friend. If his mum asks.

SNIDEsmiley - whistle

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