A Conversation for The Scots Leid

Oor Wullie

Post 1

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Great article! Or I should say "that wis braw"!. You mentioned Irvine Welsh and Iain Banks, but what about the famous "Oor Wullie" and "The Broons" published by D.C. Thomson? If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about just do a web search for either of these - they're fantastic cartoons!

Oor Wullie

Post 2


Aye, they're rare sos they ur. smiley - biggrin
There wis this yin time ah ganged oot guisin as Oor Wullie, wi ma heid caked in egg ta get ma hair sticking up thon wiy.

Oor Wullie

Post 3

Riccardo - Keeper of the Hammond Organ

Ah kin just see ye, ye wee de'el!

Oor Wullie

Post 4

Saints 76

Oor Wullie? My wifeie loves him. The good 'Sunday Post' is her favourite read.

Evne this Englishman likes to read it from time to time. Although I do have to ask the meaning of some of the words in Oor Wullie. Also 'The Broons' is very good.

Wonder if 'Dennis the Menace' should really be in a Scots accent, on the T V version?

Oor Wullie

Post 5

Saints 76

Oor Wullie? My wifeie loves him. The good 'Sunday Post' is her favourite read.

Even this Englishman likes to read it from time to time. Although I do have to ask the meaning of some of the words in Oor Wullie. Also 'The Broons' is very good.

Wonder if 'Dennis the Menace' should really be in a Scots accent, on the T V version?

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