Talking Point: Peace in the Middle East

15 Conversations

Hope for the future? by Amy the Ant

In these troubled times, the attention of the World is turned to the Middle East. Despite Security Council objections, President Bush and his administration are indicating that they are no longer prepared to wait for the United Nations and will act unilaterally against Iraq. This is due to Iraq being in breach of UN resolutions. Israel too is in breach of UN resolutions and yet the struggle with the Palestinians of the occupied West Bank continues.

So is war inevitable? Will the Middle East ever see peace? Or has the involvement of Western powers in Middle Eastern politics sealed the fate of the region?

Please remember that for many people, this is a very sensitive subject. Please respect other people's views and emotions.

  • Is war with Iraq inevitable and can it be considered justified?

  • Is the West's attitude to the Middle East coloured by a fear of Islam?

  • Or do religious extremists pose a serious threat to Western countries?

  • Can Israel ever co-exist peacefully with its Palestinian and Arab neighbours?

  • Should the West interfere with Middle Eastern politics?

  • Or should they tackle the problems in their own countries first?

  • Can the West be blamed for the problems of the Middle East?


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Amy the Ant

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