A Conversation for Talking Point: Peace in the Middle East
Israeli Labor leader quits
the autist formerly known as flinch Posted Oct 31, 2002
It's great that the left have finally made a stand on theis, but unfortunately i can only see the right becoming stonger as a result of the resignations.
Israeli Labor leader quits
tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie Posted Oct 31, 2002
seems a bit silly what they are arguing over....it's money in the budget for setlements in an area they shouldn't be building setlements
Israeli Labor leader quits
the autist formerly known as flinch Posted Oct 31, 2002
It probibly the most important issue in Israeli politics. It's the one thing on either side which can be seen as unprovoked provocation. The settlement building program is supported only by a small minority of the religious far right, and yet they get funding year after year because their party hold sway within the coallition. That the Labour Party have final said no is a major step - for the building program to be brought to a halt would probibly be the single biggest step toward peace that could occur.
Unfortunately this mass exidous from the labour party mean that the monority parties will probibly get a greater say as a result.
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Israeli Labor leader quits
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