Talking Point: Is Honesty the Best Policy?

24 Conversations

A load of pork pies by Amy the Ant

There can’t be many of us who haven’t told a little white lie at some point in our lives, but aren’t there times that the truth isn’t worth the pain that it might cause to someone else? For instance, lying to a partner about that night that you got drunk and ended up kissing someone you shouldn’t be kissing is better than hurting the person you love, isn’t it?

Sometimes being honest with our children is a good thing, but it can be difficult. Could you tell your teenager that you experimented with drugs as a teen yourself, or were in trouble with the police? Being honest in this way can encourage them to be honest with you, or is this going too far, and do other people have no right to know every thing about you?

  • Is honesty the best policy? Or are there times when it is acceptable to lie?

  • Have you ever told a lie? Have you been found out? What was the result?

  • Sometimes telling the truth makes you feel better, even though that truth hurts someone else. Is this the best thing to do?

  • Are you always 100% honest on job and/or college applications?

  • Have you ever regretted lying, or not being totally honest?

  • Does my bum look big in this?

  • Is it good to be honest with our friends, or are the little white lies we tell them better for their feelings?

  • Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defence.

Graphic supplied by Community Artist Amy the Ant


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