A Conversation for Talking Point: Is Honesty the Best Policy?


Post 1


There are some important and serious misconceptions about truth and our oblibations to be truthful.

Firstly, not everyone out there is telling you the truth, especially those who are trying to sell you something. Why then do you have an obligation to them to be truthful?

Secondly, many people and organisations have a vested interest in getting the truth from you when it is not in your interests to give it to them. Again, why the obligation.

Thirdly you may not want, quite reasonably, to tell someone the something about .....well anything realy but may be disadvantaged if you refuse to give an answer. Same question.

"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools" (Kipling: If) rather speaks for itself in my view.

Honesty is the best policy? Only about 50% of the time probably! We have a right to judge for ouselves wht falls into that 50%

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