A Conversation for Talking Point: Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
pedboy Started conversation Oct 1, 2002
Prove to me that your not lying now...C'mon go ahead...prove it...I dare ya. That's what I thought.All sustenance and no substance.
"I'm so hip..."(finish it for me, yooou knoow you wannna )
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Narapoia Posted Oct 1, 2002
Hey, you know what happens to smartasses!
SHAN'T prove it and SHAN'T finish it. It has been said that you can't prove a negative (although I do recall something about babel fishes proving god doesn't exist!)
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Lightyear Posted Oct 2, 2002
I reckon honesty is not always the best policy! For instance, if my 'boyfriend' got really trashed one night, kissed some girl (we're talking just a kiss here) for 2 mins, and could hardly remember it . . then no, I wouldn't want to know about it. Why? It meant nothing to him - it would only hurt my feelings and then I would be forced to decided whether I wanted to be with him or not, and it would really mess up our relationship!
If it doesn't mean anything . . better not to tell??
I think sometimes people do tell others their awful secrets so they can feel better. It doesn't aways make the other person feel better - sometimes worse. Sometimes theres no point telling someone something.
Its a hard questions isn't it.
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Researcher 210219 Posted Nov 27, 2002
I think that you`re a bit insane or you don`t know what you say. Lying is neccesary in some situations like the moment when you ask someone if you are an intelligent person, isn`t it?
So you are supposed to thread a fine line maybe when you can hurt somebody. Bye.
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Researcher 210219 Posted Nov 27, 2002
I agree with you baby. You are describing the perfect situation for not telling the truth, in which I would do exactly the same thing as you. In this case is difficult to go to your partner and confess it, maybe because you are afraid of losing him/her, so the best is try to forget about it, time is a good medicine. Bye.
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
pedboy Posted Nov 30, 2002
It is of great value to many people to believe that they are "honest people", when in fact that being doe not exist(in my oponion anyway). Now "bascially honest" is another story.
Now me for instance could be described as a "basic troublemaker".
Is Honesty the Best Policy?
Lightyear Posted Dec 19, 2002
How about; honesty is A policy! Seriously, I'd rather lie than hurt someones feelings. . like if someone who was not so, er, attractive asked if I thought they were dog ugly. . Now answer the question; is honesty the best policy!
I don't think anyone here is insane - just having their own opinion eh?
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Is Honesty the Best Policy?
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