A Conversation for The 1990s and Pulp - the Band


Post 1


Marvellous entry but would it be worth commenting on the 'We Love Life' Album? I know this entry looks at the 90s, but y'know. Also recently I read in the NME that they be releasing a greatest hits albumn as part of their five album deal and possibly splitting up.

smiley - magic


Post 2


Yes, I had thought about mentioning We Love Life, but decided to concentrace on the '90s releases because they are all well known albums, and it was a convenient ten year time frame. Also, I thought that if I wrote about We Love Live, I'd find myself obliged to write about ALL their albums, and they've had loads of them over the years.

Thanks for reading! Hope they don't split - I finally got to see them at Reading but was so out of it I wasn't really aware of anything when they came on! I'd hate to think I'd missed the boat.


Post 3


I saw them at Reading too (this year and two years previously). You can read my review of this year's festival in last weeks post or by going through my personal space.smiley - biggrin

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